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Change Lives Make Money: The Podcast For Online Trainers

Feb 28, 2020

What’s going on Online Fitness coaches.


I wanted to share a personal story with you.


Let me tell you about the night that I almost got killed by a drug dealer.


Rewind 7 years ago to 2013 and that was the moment my life turned around.


"I hope this story has inspired you to reach for your own greatness. Because...

Feb 27, 2020

Your life is happening to you one day at a time. Your goals are unfolding one day at a time. Many online fitness coaches compare themselves NOW to those people who are MILES ahead. Have you ever done that?


- Each day is one day that you can take one more step forward

- Every step forward is one step closer towards...

Feb 26, 2020


- Waiting for your spouse's permission

- Hoping for your parents to understand online training

- Hoping that everyone “likes” your posts and your videos


A lot of online fitness coaches are resistant to growing and expanding their network and reaching out to other people...

Feb 25, 2020

What do you do when facing adversities? How do you face them?

As online coaches, we need to SOLVE problems instead of sitting down and COMPLAIN when challenges or adversities happen.


"Complaining gets you literally nowhere.

-  Brian Mark


Ready to Grow Your Fitness Biz? Apply to Work with Brian

Join the...

Feb 24, 2020

When it comes to closing sales there are 3 main problems that most online trainers face:

  1.  Afraid to get on the phone because of rejections.
  2.  Feeling awkward.
  3.  Focusing on the close with understanding objections.


I'm going to teach you how to overcome objections so that your potential clients won't say no.

